This course is designed to teach the student how to organize and manage a cross connection control program. Topics include backflow prevention devices, recycled water, thermal expansion, hydraulics, plan checking, water borne diseases, shut-downs, and cross-connection control surveys. A class project is required to be given by each student. The course will prepare the otherwise qualified student to take the AWWA or ABPA Cross-Connection Control Specialist exam.
This course falls under the Communication, Critical Thinking, Information and Technology Literacy, and Personal, Social, Civic, and Environmental Responsibility Institutional Level Outcomes (ILOs).
- Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand how to enforce administrative laws and codes that protect the local water system from the threats of cross-connection pollution and contamination.
- Identify the degree of hazard of cross-connections in order to determine the appropriate backflow prevention device to be installed in order to protect the public health.
- Prepare effectively for the local state required Cross-Connection Control Specialist exam that is given by the AWWA or ABPA which is required to work as a Specialist.
Please note: Materials fees in the amount of $25 will be collected by the teacher at the time of the first class