This bootcamp focuses on the most essential and in-demand InDesign skills on the market.
By the end of the course, students feel confident using tables and columns effectively for publication in books, news, magazines, and more.
Likewise, students learn to create advanced text styles, use XML with InDesign, manage color profiles, and work with 4-color printing.
This class is intended for those who want to take their InDesign knowledge to the next level. Whether you're interviewing for positions that require an advanced level of InDesign, or you're working in the print, advertising, or graphic design industries, our comprehensive curriculum will help you reach your goals.
Learn more about Adobe InDesign Bootcamp at NYIM Training.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.
Also available in-person in NYC