Master Adobe Photoshop to retouch images, create graphics, and edit photos. Through a series of hands-on projects, you can practice using masks, filters, and other tools to make polished images.
This three-day Photoshop Bootcamp is a comprehensive study of a design industry staple.
Go from novice to virtuoso as you learn techniques for retouching, color correction, and photo editing. Feel confident using masks, tools, and channels. Learn to create vector drawings, automate hundreds of repetitious image tasks, produce consistent color for print, create artistic interpretations of pictures using filters, and tackle advanced corrections of digital photos.
Classes are small, and lessons are hands-on. By the end of day three, students will have tackled several projects, including a complete brochure! No prior experience necessary.
Adobe Photoshop Bootcamp Curriculum
What You’ll Learn at a Glance
Learn How To: Retouch photos and create graphics Improve images by adjusting color, contrast, and more Prepare images for use on the web or in print Color correct Create brochures, posters, and more
Course Syllabus
- Section 1
- Getting Started
- Photo Retouching
- Cropping Photos
- Creating Graphics: Combing Photos, Text, & Graphics
- Section 2
- Replacing Backgrounds
- Blend Modes & Opacity
- Color Correction Using Color Balance
- Color Correction Using Curves
- Preparing Digital Photos for Print
- Exporting Files for Web/Digital
- Section 3
- Sharpening Photos
- The Liquify Filter & Intro to Smart Filters
- Layer Masking
- Masking Smart Filters
- Section 4
- Converting to Black & White & Lens Correction
- Placing Your Designs in Pre-made Mockups
- Adjustment Layers & Masks
- Retouching
- Section 5
- Changing Color With a Blending Mode
- Clipping Masks: Filling Shapes with Images
- Using Adjustment Layers as Clipping Masks
- Camera Raw Fundamentals
- Camera Raw as a Filter
- Section 6
- Batch Actions & the Image Processor
- Photoshop for Design: Adding a Title & Layer Styles
- Photoshop for Design: Creating Digital Art in Photoshop
- Photoshop for Design: Compositing into a Photo
Learn more about Adobe Photoshop Bootcamp at NYIM Training.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.
Also available in-person in NYC