Film/TV Intensive with Bernadette McBrinn, Associate Casting Director, Candice Alustiza Casting
From one of the busiest film and TV casting offices in NYC, Bernadette is an Associate Casting Director working with Candice Alustiza.
Their recent credits include the hit Amazon Prime series MR & MRS SMITH, created by & starring Donald Glover, the AppleTV+ Anthology series EXTRAPOLATIONS, the limited series LADY IN THE LAKE for Amazon Prime, starring Natalie Portman & the Feature Film IMAGINARY FRIENDS, for Paramount, written & directed by John Krasinski.
Her projects include THREE undisclosed episodics for MAJOR streaming and cable services.
Bernadette's online intensive will replicate the "real world" film/TV audition process and give you insider industry tips to help you book!
You'll start off with an informative Q&A, followed by your presentation of the scene with a reader on-camera in a group. Be prepared to take feedback and adjustments.
The host will open the ‘room’ at least 30 minutes before the start of class. You’re welcome to arrive during this time to run your scene with the host.
Bernadette is interested in meeting new talent - all types - all ethnicities - all ages (16+).
For this event, please bring in your own scene of choice (no more than 2 minutes in length) that you feel best showcases your strengths as an actor. If you do not have your own scene, you can select a scene from the General Sides database (link located in your Actors Connection account upon registration).
Please email [email protected] your scene choice AS AN ATTACHMENT (file should be labeled YourName_CHARACTER) by 5pm (EST) the DAY BEFORE the event.
This course is available for "remote" learning and will be available to anyone with access to an internet device with a microphone (this includes most models of computers, tablets). Classes will take place with a "Live" instructor at the date/times listed below.
Upon registration, the instructor will send along additional information about how to log-on and participate in the class.
School Notes: Class end time will vary depending on the number of actors and the scenes that are assigned. Registrants are advised to budget extra time, as class time may run over.