Mar 5th
10am–4:45pm EST
Join online OneNote classes and learn how to effectively use this powerful note-taking tool to increase productivity and organization in your personal and professional life.
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ONLC Training Centers See all classes by this school @ Online Classroom
Master the art of digital note-taking and collaboration with Microsoft Office OneNote, a versatile tool for capturing and organizing ideas, meeting notes, and more. Explore its seamless integration with other Office applications, empowering you to enhance productivity and streamline your workflow effortlessly.
Mar 5th
10am–4:45pm EST
Apr 3rd
10am–4:45pm EST
Apr 30th
10am–4:45pm EST
May 29th
10am–4:45pm EST
Jun 25th
10am–4:45pm EST
This class has 1 more date.
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TLG Learning See all classes by this school
In our fast-paced digital world, the need to capture ideas, meeting notes, and to-do items is ever present. Microsoft® Office OneNote® 2016 provides a way for you to efficiently create and collect your notes in an electronic notebook. This course will introduce you to using OneNote notebooks to store a wide variety of content in an organized structure, access the content from anywhere, and also share it with others. Additionally, learning how OneNote...
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OneNote Training Online are rated 4.4 stars based on 8 verified reviews from actual purchasers.
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