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Nutrition Classes Near Me

Nutrition Classes Coming Up in NYC

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EFT Tapping: Professional Skills Training

New York Open Center See all classes by this school @ 22 E 30th St, New York, NY

EFT is used by more than 20 million people worldwide. Called by the media “one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed,” its efficacy has been demonstrated in over 100 studies. It has revolutionized the practices of thousands of professionals such as life coaches, therapists, and healthcare professionals, giving them advanced tools to help clients—even those with difficult conditions. Develop your skills by joining...

(299) Intermediate 18 and older
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4 sessions

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Transforming Your Relationship w/ Food

New York Open Center See all classes by this school @ 22 E 30th St, New York, NY

This powerful evening workshop for anyone who has struggled with food issues is designed to help us bust through the blocks and beliefs about food that prevent us from enjoying our birthright—an eating life free of struggle and frustration; a weight that makes us feels happy for both our health and self-image; and a clear, balanced mind so we can focus on our life and work. Tonight, Cynthia Stadd, who overcame her own struggles with binge eating,...

(299) All levels 18 and older
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Healing the Brain Through Healing the Gut

New York Open Center See all classes by this school @ 22 E 30th St, New York, NY

While conventional medicine has become reliant on using medications to treat symptoms rather than root causes, new movements in medicine (“integrative,” “complementary,” and “functional” approaches) seek to look below the surface to find the underlying factors of disease. More and more research is pointing to the fact that some of the main impediments to optimal brain function have their source in the gut, where imbalances in bacterial...

(299) All levels 18 and older
This class isn’t on the schedule at the moment, but save it to your Wish List to find out when it comes back!

3 sessions

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What to Eat for How You Feel

New York Open Center See all classes by this school @ 22 E 30th St, New York, NY

Divya Alter, master chef, nutritional consultant and co-owner of the acclaimed vegetarian eatery, Divya’s Kitchen, will draw from her brand new book, What to Eat for How You Feel, to share tips on how to realistically adapt the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic approaches to food to the contexts of contemporary life and modern Western palates. She will discuss: why the use of seasonal ingredients is so important; the art of food combining; ...

(299) All levels 18 and older
This class isn’t on the schedule at the moment, but save it to your Wish List to find out when it comes back!

Everything You Need to Know About Body Detoxification

New York Open Center See all classes by this school @ 22 E 30th St, New York, NY

These days “detox” can be a trendy buzzword—everyone on the internet is selling it. Come distinguish the facts from the hype surrounding detoxification in this evening workshop. Find out why detoxification is necessary and how it can help you to heal. Learn naturopathic detox techniques to open up all channels of elimination: liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin. Detoxification can give you energy, help you lose weight, sleep better, and...

(299) All levels 18 and older
This class isn’t on the schedule at the moment, but save it to your Wish List to find out when it comes back!

Nutrition Classes Coming Up in Los Angeles

See all Nutrition classes in Los Angeles

Eat Well, Live Better – A Seminar for Today's Woman

Santa Monica College See all classes by this school @ SMC Bundy Campus, Santa Monica, CA

Women have unique needs when it comes to health and wellness. Come talk woman-to-woman about some of the issues we face, including nurturing others at the sacrifice of our own well-being, stress and anxiety, weight gain, IBS and other digestive distress, candida, and fatigue. Learn how the foods we eat affect all these—as well as our mood and energy levels—and discover the powerful and far-reaching effects our food choices have on our health....

(514) All levels 18 and older
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The Answer is Vegan!

El Camino College See all classes by this school @ 16007 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA

Do you have concerns about weight loss? Type 2 diabetes? Loss of energy and stamina? Or other health issues?  Changing to a vegan or quasi-vegan diet lifestyle has proven to provide positive benefits for all of these concerns.    In this class you’ll gain an understanding of the ease of a vegan diet, be guided toward achieving the great health benefits of a vegan lifestyle and supplied with extensive support materials including...

(180) All levels 18 and older
This class isn’t on the schedule at the moment, but save it to your Wish List to find out when it comes back!

We Can Lose Weight With Consciousness!

Shalom Home Cooking LA See all classes by this school

This is a session for women who are interested in following a healthy life, losing and maintaining their weight!  This meetup class brings support to women of all ages and sizes so that we can uplift, motivate and inspire one another. There will be a spiritual self-love quest that will be the foundation of us transforming our bodies and overall image.  As a Holistic Nutritionist, I have developed a weight-loss diet I would like to share...

(3) All levels 18 and older
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Nutrition Classes Coming Up in Chicago

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Mini Retreat: Living Closer to the Earth

Chicago Botanic Garden See all classes by this school @ 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, IL

Reconnect to the earth the way nature intended at this mini wellness retreat with certified holistic health coach and yoga instructor, Pam Gross. Using natural healing practices to support our well-being, we’ll unplug and relax into the Garden through soulful yoga, nature bathing, harvesting, and cooking with healing herbs.  Meet with Garden horticulturist Lisa Hilgenberg at the Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Garden and learn about the...

(137) All levels 18 and older
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Nutrition Classes Coming Up Online

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Virtual Essential Oils Basics

Linda Giammarese See all classes by this school @ Virtual Class, Online, NY

Discover the power of essential oils and how to incorporate them into your daily life for holistic well-being in this collaborative class led by a certified clinical Aromatherapist. Uncover the secrets of these natural remedies and learn how to support yourself in health and healing.

(6) All levels 14 and older
+500 pts
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Reviews for Nutrition Classes

Nutrition Classes are rated 4.3 stars based on 1,139 verified reviews from actual purchasers.

  • Virtual Essential Oils Basics

    Reviewed by Viola W. on 4/19/2021
    I'm glad to take this course with Linda, it's very interesting and informative, and I've definitely learned a lot from her. She is very professional and knowledgeable about essential oils and its functions and purposes; moreover, she's willing to share her experience with her student and to give lots of practical and helpful advices during the meeting. I highly recommend this course to anyone who's interested in essential oil.
  • Virtual Essential Oils Basics

    Reviewed by Martha G. on 3/7/2021
    I had a one-to-one with Linda. It was an informative class because the topic I was interested in which was on mental health and how to treat clients especially veterans with oils was unique and specialized. Linda gave me excellent advise going forward. We also discussed how to take care of my skin and she helped me greatly on that with recipes. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Linda. I hope this is not my last class with her. Thank you. Martha
  • Virtual Essential Oils Basics

    Reviewed by Alicia S. on 3/1/2021
    I enjoy very much the class. Linda has been an inspiration for me because she is passionate about essential oils. It was indeed a good start. Now I have a wider vision about essential oils. After the class she shared important information about essential oils; brands, books, good tips.
  • EFT Tapping: Professional Skills Training

    Reviewed by Edwin V. on 5/21/2018
    Really amazing class, great techniques taught as well that can be used as a professional practice or self coaching practice.

Best Nutrition Classes Near Me

In the simplest of terms, nutrition is the physical process by which our bodies absorb nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are just a few examples of nutrients that our bodies need to feel energized, stay alert, and remain active. Educating yourself on the basics of nutrition is an essential life skill that helps you become more aware of the foods you ingest and therefore make healthier choices. Plus, if you are a parent or in charge of feeding someone other than yourself, you’ll help them become healthier too. There are many nutrition classes available that promote a healthy diet and mindful choices when making your meals. 

Why You Should Learn Nutrition

There are several practical and personal reasons to learn more about nutrition. First, understanding nutrition allows you to make more informed choices when ordering at a restaurant or while browsing the grocery store. Eating nourishing, nutrient-dense food has been proven to help people live longer, feel better, and live healthier lives. Plus, when you fuel your body properly, you will feel more energized and ready to take on the day. It is an all-around necessary skill to know so you can look good and, more importantly, feel good. 

It is also worth mentioning that learning about nutrition can be fun. You will not only learn the process of nutrition but also learn more about nutrient-dense foods. This may be an opportunity to try new foods that you had previously never tried. You may find your new favorite vegetable or fruit by learning about nutrition. Plus, this opens the door for other activities and hobbies, such as a cooking club or creating a personal cooking blog.

5 Ways to Learn Nutrition

Learning nutrition is not as complicated as it sounds. While there can be some challenges, having an experienced instructor makes all the difference when learning about nutrition. When it comes to your health, you certainly do not want to be misinformed.

There are many methods to learn more about nutrition. Formal classes are the preferred method of learning as they are the most accessible option, but also provide an interactive experience where you can ask questions and receive direct feedback.

  1. Take an in-person nutrition class. You will have an expert instructor and learn alongside like-minded peers. Your instructor will likely provide the necessary materials and resources to help make your learning experience as straightforward as possible.
  2. Enroll in an online class. You will have a live nutrition instructor who will provide feedback on your work and answer your questions. You will even have remote classmates so you can make friends from all around the country. Some classes ship course materials directly to you, but often you will provide your own materials from a local shop or online seller.
  3. Consider a self-paced, on-demand course by using online videos and resources. This option is free and widely accessible, but you won’t have anyone available to answer your questions in real time. There may be some information that needs further explanation and you will be left to figure it out on your own.
  4. Many nutritionists on social media create content dedicated to nutrition education. This option offers free access to many great supplemental resources. Plus, with the rising number of nutritionists using social media, you are bound to learn something new with each new profile you come across. 
  5. Interview a local nutritionist for a chance to learn more about nutrition and the job of a nutritionist. You will likely learn more about the basics of nutrition, and perhaps a few fun facts. You may have the chance to shadow a nutritionist at their place of work to have a more immersive experience.

In-Person Nutrition Classes

Are you interested in learning more about nutrition? There are many in-person nutrition classes to choose from in communities across the nation. It is advantageous having an instructor available to answer questions or clarify any confusion. Plus, you can learn alongside other like-minded individuals who could become new friends. These in-person options are a great way to learn more about nutrition, food, and overall health.

There are many reasons to learn about nutrition. Maybe you want to lead a healthier lifestyle or maybe you are interested in the science behind nutrition. Regardless of your reason, you can learn more through these courses.

Everyone loves a dish that is both healthy and delicious. The Secrets of Healthy Indian Cooking: Coastal Shrimp Curry class offered at Mkti’s Kitchen in Brooklyn is the perfect way to learn more about the nutritious properties of Kashmiri cuisine. This course focuses on a shrimp curry that is easy to cook, nutritious, and flavorful, but you will also cook other recipes as well. For example, you will learn to prepare okra with a refreshing masala yogurt sauce and Pulao, a sweet rice dish containing vegetables, cashews, and raisins. After learning, preparing, and cooking, you will have the chance to sit down and enjoy your meal as a class.

Vegetarian Summer Suppers at Home Cooking New York teaches you how to prepare fresh, light, and meat-free meals that help you feel nourished and refreshed throughout the hot summer months. Located in SoHo, this course will teach you more about seasonal produce so that eating the rainbow is easier than ever. The instructor will provide you with a recipe packet that will give you the chance to recreate these healthy meat-free options at home. You will learn how to make veggie-packed meals such as ratatouille and even make a gorgeous fruity dessert. Feel free to pack a bottle of wine to enjoy with your meal and classmates once the class has ended.

Do you want to eat more vegetables but aren’t sure how to cook them? Consider enrolling in the How to Cook Vegetables (Properly) course also offered by Home Cooking New York. This hands-on class focuses on showing you all the various ways to cook certain vegetables and teaches you the necessary knife skills to prepare ingredients. By knowing the proper way to blanch broccoli rabe or pickle cucumbers, you can diversify your meals by adding bursts of flavor and nutrient-dense foods. The entire idea is to make vegetables appetizing so that after this course, you will be more likely to add vegetables to all your home-cooked meals.

Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom in West Los Angeles provides a course designed to help you cook delectable fish recipes. In the Favorite Fish Recipes course, Chef Eric will teach you everything you need to know about purchasing, preparing, and cooking fish. He will also prove that eating fish doesn’t have to be bland. Between the sesame-crusted fish filets with lemon cilantro sauce and the smoked salmon filets with garlic rosemary aioli, you will never have another boring fish meal again. This is a chance to incorporate a healthy, delicious protein into your weekly dinner menu and impress your next dinner guest.

Also offered at Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom is a Thai Cuisine course. Asian cuisine is diverse and often incorporates fresh, nutrient-dense ingredients that provide both flavor and health. In this class, you will learn about Thai cuisine and explore complex flavors such as Thai green curry and spicy pad Thai. You will also cook with vegetables and other ingredients that you may not often have the opportunity to enjoy, such as eggplant and coconut. This is a great way to broaden your palate and your vegetable consumption.

Sushi is a unique and nutritious meal that provides proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and more. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to make sushi, look no further than the Intro to the Art of Sushi at CocuSocial Cooking Classes in Westlake Village. This course teaches you how to prepare the perfect sushi roll, so come prepared to learn, participate, and eat. The course is led by a professional chef who is knowledgeable in the preparation of sushi and can provide insight into the various ingredients that go into many rolls. This class will prepare you for your next dinner party so you can impress your guests with beautiful, healthy, and flavorful sushi rolls.

The Chicago Botanic Garden in North Lawndale has a course designed to help you Take Control of Your Health Through Diet and Lifestyle. This class provides students with a foundational understanding of nutrition and the correlation it has with overall health. The instructor will discuss the hidden harm behind diet culture and equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions while shopping at the grocery store or picking a meal from a restaurant. This is also a hands-on cooking class, so come prepared to not only learn about nutritious foods but how to cook them as well.

Virtual Nutrition Classes 

In-person classes are great, but they may not be available to you. Perhaps you live far away from the nearest class or you can’t find a class that works with your schedule. If this applies, don’t feel discouraged. You can still learn the fundamentals of nutrition with online nutrition classes.

You can choose from a variety of nutrition classes offered all across the country. This is ideal for those who have a flexible schedule or who just prefer to learn from the comfort of their own home. Plus, the time you save on a commute can be spent further studying nutrition.

You may have to provide supplies when you enroll in an online class. Your instructor will provide a detailed course material list that will help you throughout the class. These items can be found at any local shop or online seller. You may already have some items, such as pens or a notebook, at your house.

Sometimes, proper nutrition can be directly correlated to gut health. In the Bitter Botanicals and Gut Health course, you will learn all about various bitter herbs that help stimulate digestion, alleviate inflammation, reduce tension, and brighten your mood. Not only do these herbs provide beneficial properties to your gut, but they also can add a unique taste to foods and cocktails. Having healthy digestion is important to overall wellness, but proper education on these botanicals is essential as well. 

The Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Tasting is not only a great way to explore complex and distinct flavors, but also a way to learn more about the antioxidants and nutrients present in both. In this one-hour course, you’ll learn different flavors, amazing recipes, and interesting facts about this popular pairing. You will receive a kit with various oils, kinds of vinegar, and items to help you appreciate all the unique flavors. You’ll leave the course being able to add a little zing to your next salad and perhaps get creative with a new one-of-a-kind recipe.

COURSE 3 The Mediterranean diet is widely accepted as one of the healthiest ways to eat as the region eats plenty of fresh produce, healthy fats, and lean meats. In the Greek Cooking Online with Despina course, you will learn all about Mediterranean food and how to prepare it. In this two-and-a-half-hour experience, you will cook alongside Despina, a woman from Greece who knows all about the cuisine. You will learn how to prepare delicious Greek meatballs paired with tangy tzatziki and a fresh Greek salad. This class will also provide the three recipes as well as a recording of the class and virtual dinner party upon completion.

Private Group Nutrition Classes

Do you want to schedule a nutrition class as a fun team-building event for your club or organization? Maybe your workout group is interested in learning more about nutritious food choices. CourseHorse has live nutrition classes for private groups that can be delivered right to your group.

Nutritious foods don’t have to be bland. For example, in the Virtual Hot Sauce from Scratch workshop, your group can learn how to make a signature hot sauce packed with flavor, heat, and nutrients. A hot sauce kit will be shipped to each participant so there is no hassle. In the workshop, your group will learn how to choose the right peppers, how to appreciate various types of hot sauce, and how to bring the perfect balance of spice and flavor to your sauce. Hot sauce is a healthy way to add some extra flavor to a variety of dishes, from soups, meats, noodles, and more.

Sushi is widely considered a nutritive dinner option, as its ingredients contain vital nutrients from ingredients such as fresh fish, seaweed, rice, and vegetables. Consider taking the Virtual Sushi Making Workshop to learn about different ingredients that sushi often uses as well as the various types of sushi rolls. This workshop is led by a professional chef who will walk you through the steps so you can create sushi from the comfort of your kitchen. The materials will be sent to each participant, so all you will have to focus on is rolling your sushi properly, enjoying your meal, and having fun along the way.

Nutrition is all about balance. The Virtual Guacamole and Margaritas event is the perfect way to learn how to prepare a healthy, nutritious snack while indulging in a delicious drink. This course is taught by a professional chef who will help you make amazing guacamole and how to shake up a refreshing margarita. The majority of class materials will be provided to each participant, so all you have to do is focus on creating and eating. This course can host up to 100 people so everyone can join in on the fun. Who wouldn’t want to unwind at the end of the day with some chips, guacamole, and a margarita?

Getting ready for the course is easy. CourseHorse will ship supplies directly to each group member, which takes the stress out of preparing. Otherwise, you may already have the necessary items, like a pen and paper.

When you book through CourseHorse, there are no booking fees. Additionally, you can customize your event for a $150 fee. This can include specific questions, extra games, or a second event.

You will receive a confirmation email of your event within 24 hours of your reservation. The minimum group size differs, but don’t let that worry you. As long as your group meets the minimum requirement for participants, you can adjust your exact group size for up to a week before the event.

CourseHorse recommends using the Zoom platform for classes but can accommodate other platforms as well. Some include Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx. Many classes offer to come to your home, office, or party if that is preferred.

What Will I Need to Learn Nutrition?

Before you take a nutrition class, you may need a few supplies. These supplies will differ from course to course. If you take a class, the class materials will usually be provided. However, if they are not, your instructor will give you a detailed list of supplies to obtain. Many supplies will be available at your local shop or from an online seller. You may already have some items, such as notebooks, pens, and index cards. You can also pick up supplemental resources such as books, tutorials, and videos.

Is it Difficult to Learn Nutrition?

Learning nutrition may require a good deal of reading and memorization. There are many different biological terms to know and understand. You may also have to know why certain foods are more nutrient-dense than others. While becoming a nutrition expert may be challenging, it is not unachievable. If you are willing to dedicate time and effort to learning it, you will pick up on nutrition quickly.

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