National surveys* of thousands of employees disclosed that while many people work hard, they are worried about their lack of effectiveness. Survey results indicate:
1. Less than 50% of your team’s time is spent on the company’s most important objectives
2. Only 14% of employees feel they are contributing to company success
3. Less than half of your team know company’s goals
*Results of xQ Surveys conducted by Harris Interactive
The problems are not limited to one industry, one geographic location, one economic group or even one age group. They are common to all. Workers have too many assigned tasks and too many competing priorities. People can’t identify key goals and, therefore, can’t deliver excellent results. Individuals, even entire departments, lack open communication. Crises are often reacted to with fast, less-than-effective decisions. The good news is that changing ineffective behaviors to effective behaviors will benefit everyone in your organization. The 7 Habits® can not only help you to better manage yourself, but learn to lead others and unleash team potential. Attend this powerful 2-day workshop and discover the same principles that have led the world’s foremost business leaders to the professional and business success they dreamed of.
Who Should Attend:
- Managers who are seeking to become more effective, build better relationships and help their organization succeed
How you will benefit:- Define the contribution you want to make and what you want to accomplish as a manager
- Enhance your leadership abilities and reach your full potential
- Judge the goals your efforts should be focused on using daily and weekly planning
- Communicate effectively and raise the levels of trust and fulfillment within your team
What you will cover:
Habit 1: Be Proactive—Become a resourceful, innovative manager who quickly accomplishes goals and motivates team members to get things done
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind—Have a clear vision of what you want your contribution as a manager to be and shape your own future
Habit 3: Put First Things First—Focus on top priorities and be regarded for follow-through and organizational skills; eliminate the unimportant
Habit 4: Think Win-Win—Cultivate enthusiasm with performance measurements that satisfy both employee and employer goals; share recognition and success
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood—Give honest, accurate feedback that develops trust and understand the physical components of communication and how they impact the message
Habit 6: Synergize—Understand how differences can contribute to innovative solutions; maximize opinions, perspectives and backgrounds
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw—Maintain and increase effectiveness by renewing yourself mentally and physically
Pre-Seminar requirement:
Before attending, you will receive The 7 Habits for Managers Warm-Up, which should be completed and brought to the seminar.
Attendees will receive:
- Participant Guidebook—a manual filled with examples and exercises
- Management Essentials—a book of resources for dealing with management challenges
Special Feature
All course faculty are trained experts in FranklinCovey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® curriculum. Dr. Stephen R. Covey is a globally respected leadership authority. His international bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, was named one of the 10 most influential management books ever by Forbes magazine. It is the bestselling audio book in history.
Course Outline:
- Identify and Analyze Unique Challenges and Opportunities Managers Face
- Explain the Maturity Continuum as a Way to Envision Growth Toward Excellent Managerial Capability
- Recognize the Importance of Moving from Dependence to Independence to Interdependence to Become Truly Effective Managers
- Define the 7 Habits of Effective Managers
Managing Yourself
- Realize the Importance of Managing “from the Inside Out”—of Examining Personal Character
- Recognize That Only Managers Who Manage Themselves Will Earn the Trust of Their Teams
- Appreciate That Habits 1, 2, and 3 Are Key to Effective Self-Management
Habit 1: Be Proactive®
- Overcome the Reactive Mindset That Hampers Productivity and Effectiveness
- Enlarge the Circle of Influence® So You Can Accomplish Your Goals
- Exercise Ingenuity in Coping with the Universal Managerial Challenge of Limited Resources
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind®
- Define the Unique Contributions You Can Make in Your Role as Manager
- Develop an “Outcome-Oriented” Mindset in Every Activity You Engage in—Projects, Meetings, Presentations, Etc.
Habit 3: Put First Things First®
- Eliminate the Energy- and Time-Wasting Tendency to Focus on Crises and Emergencies, and Develop a Long-Term View
- Allocate Appropriate Time to Planning, Preparation, and Crisis Prevention
- Define a Few Specific, Measurable Goals That Are Critical to Your Contribution as Manager
- Make Progress on Goals By Translating Them into Manageable Objectives and Tasks on a Weekly and Daily Basis
Leading Others
- Understand That Effective Self-Management Precedes Effective Leadership
- Recognize the Importance of Helping Team Members Gain Confidence in Their Own Capabilities
- Appreciate That Habits 4, 5, and 6 Are Key to Motivating and Leading High-Performance Teams
Habit 4: Think Win-Win®
- Balance the Interests of the Team and the Organization with the Interests of the Individual Team Member
- Motivate Team Members to Superb Performance By Helping Them Manage Themselves Against Shared Goals
- Empower Team Members to Manage and Evaluate Performance Through the Use of the Win-Win Performance Agreement Tool
- Build Trust Within Teams By Acknowledging Good Performance and Addressing the Emotional Needs of Each Team Member
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®
- Develop an Accurate Understanding of Issues Relevant to Team Performance By Practicing Empathic Listening
- Give Feedback Honestly and Accurately to Improve Individual and Team Performance
Habit 6: Synergize®
- Seek Out and Value Divergent Perspectives in Dealing with Team Challenges
- Practice a Collaborative Prototyping Approach to Maximize Creativity in Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Unleashing Potential
- Unleash the Full Potential of Team Members By Treating Them as “Whole People”
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
- Tap into the Multidimensional Capabilities of Team Members to Achieve Team Goals
- Develop the “Whole Person”